Support & information center

Installing a custom Speed Testing machine

qualityRTC uses its own speed testing machines. If needed, custom machines at a client-specified location (such as an on-premise data center or a cloud location we don’t cover) can be installed and used for your deployment of qualityRTC.

If you have decided to use a custom Speed Testing machine as part of your subscription plan of testRTC, then follow the instructions below to install it.

Machine preparation

We will be needing a machine to install our server. The server is installed as a Docker container.

Pick a machine to use.

Machine spec

  • Intel i5 4 cores processor or higher
  • 16 GB memory or more
  • 15 GB storage space or more
  • Linux operating system, preferably Ubuntu

Other things to prepare

  • Make sure it is has a public IP address and ample availability of bandwidth.
  • We will be needing port 443 of that machine available to us
  • Open up port 443 for incoming traffic to the machine in your firewall
  • Open outgoing HTTPS over port 443 to (this is used to renew the security certificates)

Installation procedure

Login to the machine.

Change directory to /tmp:

cd /tmpCode language: Bash (bash)

Download our speedtest self-extracting installer:

wget language: Bash (bash)

Add a execute permission to a downloaded file:

chmod +x language: Bash (bash)

Select the [REGION] to associate with this installation. It should be a short string, preferably something you use internally to refer to that region/data center already.

Use [SYSLOG] to define the system log messages destination.

Execute the installer application:

./ -r [REGION] -s [SYSLOG]Code language: Bash (bash)

You should see something like this output on your terminal:

Extracting script contents ... done
Loaded image:
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                  PORTS               NAMES
47ea7810eb64    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 seconds ago       Up Less than a second                       testrtcCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

Active-Active HA configuration

Our speed testing machines support an Active-Active high availability configuration.

For this to work, install the speed testing image on two separate machines and let us know.

We will then configure your account to use both machines with one acting as a live fallback to the other.

Test your installation

Once installed, try it out. Use a machine located outside of that data center – connecting to it from the public internet.

In the browser, open the IP address of that server. You should see the word WELCOME appear on the page.

If you open up https://[IP-ADDRESS]/country, you should see the name of the zone you entered during installation.

Once you’ve completed and tested the installation, send us the public IP address of the machine. We will need that to configure it from our end for your qualityRTC account.

Monitor your installation

Our Speed Testing machines offer 2 main interfaces for monitoring needs:

  1. Syslog – configured during installation
  2. Heartbeat – available at https://<insalled_ip>

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