Support & information center

Introduction to qualityRTC

qualityRTC is a support tool that enables you to understand your user’s network configuration within minutes. In order to do that, qualityRTC conducts a battery of configurable tests, each targeted at gaining an understanding of one or more aspects of a user’s network.

Architecture Components

qualityRTC is built out of 3 main components:

  1. Frontend – the Frontend is what the users see and interact with
    • It operates on the user’s network, connecting to the Network Infrastructure to conduct its tests and then save the results to the Dashboard
    • The Frontend is fully configurable: the look & feel; the tests conducted; the backend Network Infrastructure it connects to are all configured once your account is setup
  2. Network Infrastructure – the Network Infrastructure is a set of dedicated servers, hosted in the testRTC cloud as well as within your own data centers
    • The Frontend uses this infrastructure to assist it with understanding the user’s network
    • The Network Infrastructure is a mixture of machines and data centers operated by testRTC and machines and data centers operated by you or your VoIP/WebRTC/CPaaS provider. These are configured when your account is setup
  3. Dashboard – the Dashboard is where your support team can followup and analyze network tests conducted in qualityRTC by the end users

Guiding Principles

To make qualityRTC as simple and as effective as possible, we’ve made it operate on a few important principles:

  • No installation needed. qualityRTC can run from virtually any modern web browser, on desktop and mobile. Just direct a user to the relevant web page for qualityRTC and that’s about it
  • Low friction. You don’t need to ask a user to do anything besides run a network test. The tests are all conducted from a single place and are automatically collected and analyzed in a way that makes it easily accessible to your support team
  • Testing in front of your infrastructure. The tests conducted by qualityRTC are designed to work with your infrastructure. It won’t matter to you if the user can safely access Google – but it will be extremely important to you to know if the user’s network has opened UDP traffic towards your backend media servers
  • Focused on your scenarios. The tests in qualityRTC are suitable for both voice and video scenarios. When you onboard, we will decide together which tests make the most sense and have these setup in your account. This makes the results immediately relevant to you

Onboarding Process

qualityRTC requires a setup process in which we configure the service. This includes:

  1. Designing a landing page for you alone
    • Customizing that page to your branding as well as your look and feel
    • Enabling you to host the page in a subdomain of your choosing as part of your own website and service
    • Embed it into your application directly via our qualityRTC SDK
  2. Deciding on the tests to conduct
    • Based on your scenario, we will suggest the tests to conduct
    • If needed, we will develop new tests that fit your specific scenario
  3. Integrating with your backend
    • Some of the tests require accessing your backend
    • In the case of qualityRTC, we make that integration for you, so no development or integration effort will be needed on your part to start using qualityRTC
    • If you are using popular CPaaS vendors, we may have such integrations available out of the box already (see in Integration)

Once we go together through the steps above, you will be all ready to start using qualityRTC. From beginning to end, the above takes about a week for most of our clients.

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