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Indicate expected outcome for the specific probe execution. This is used to decide if a test has successfully passed or failed.

The condition is evaluated at the end of the test, based on collected information and metrics. The command can be placed anywhere in the script and can appear multiple times with different constraint values.

testRTC offers additional assertion and expectation commands.


criteriastringThe criteria to test. See below for the available options
messagestringMessage to invoke if criteria isn’t met
levelstringLevel of expectation:
  • “error” – error occurred – fail the test
  • “warning” – consider this as a warning
  • Default value: error


A criteria is comprised of the metric to test, an operator and a value.

For example: “ > 0” will evaluate that the number of incoming video channels is greater than 0.


The available operators for the criteria are:

  • ==
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
  • !=

Criteria metrics

The criteria is defined as a chained definition of the object we wish to evaluate, and depends on the metric type we wish to access.

Probe metrics

Probe metrics are general metrics related to the test results.

Evaluated criteriaDescription and example
connectionDurationEvaluate the duration of the whole peer connection session in seconds
“connectionDuration > 60”
scoreEvaluate the score value of the whole test
“score > 5”
mosEvaluate the MOS audio score of the whole test
“mos > 3”
TimeEvaluate the value of a timer, managed using the function .rtcGetTimer()
MetricEvaluate the value of a metric, managed using the function .rtcSetMetric()

Performance metrics

Performance metrics are those collected from the machine level: CPU, memory and network.

All metrics here are calculated as averages throughout the duration of the test. You can add .min or .max as a postfix to check against minimum and maximum values. For example, performance.browser.cpu.max indicates the maximum percentage of the CPU used during the test.

Evaluated criteriaDescription and example
performance.browser.cpuPercentage of CPU cores used by the browser during the test.
“performance.browser.cpu < 0.85”
performance.browser.memoryAmount of memory used by the browser during the test.
Memory is expressed in Megabytes.
“performance.browser.memory < 800”
performance.probe.cpuPercentage of CPU cores used by the probe during the test.
performance.probe.memoryAmount of memory used by the probe during the test.
Memory is expressed in Megabytes.

Media metrics

Media metrics relate to audio and video channels. They follow this hierarchy chain for the metric name to use:

Media type (audio / video) . Direction (in / out) . channels . Evaluated criteria

For example:

The channels level is optional, i.e. both formats will work:

  1. – Evaluates the total bitrate of all incoming video channels
  2. – Evaluates the bitrate of each outgoing audio channel separately
Evaluated criteriaDescription and example
Number of channelsEvaluate the number of channels
“video.out >= 1”
Channel is emptyEvaluate if the total number of sent/received packets is zero
“ == 0”
Bitrate“audio.out.bitrate >= 30” – evaluate the TOTAL aggregated bitrate of all outgoing audio channels
“ > 30” – evaluate the value of EACH outgoing audio channel’ bitrate (evaluating all channels, per channel).

Also supports min/max postfix: “video.out.bitrate.max < 500” or “ > 30”

Packet lossEvaluate channels’ packet loss (in %)
“ < 2”
Packets lostEvaluate the number of packets lost on the channel
“ < 20”
DataEvaluate total amount of sent/received bytes in the whole session
PacketsEvaluate the total number of packets sent/received
RoundtripEvaluate the average round trip time” < 100″

Also supports min/max postfix: “video.out.roundtrip.max < 200”

Available only for outgoing channels.
JitterEvaluate the average jitter value on the network (based on jitterReceived getstats metric)
“ < 200”

Also supports min/max postfix: “ < 500” or “ > 10”

Available only for incoming channels.

For video, this checks for jitterBufferMs since Chrome doesn’t provide incoming video jitter values.
CodecEvaluate the codec name
“ == ‘OPUS'”
“audio.out.codec == ‘opus,vp8′”
FPSEvaluate frames per second.
  • “ > 25” (calculate value from googFrameRateDecoded getstats metric)
  • “ > 25” (calculate value from googFrameRateSent getstats metric)
  • Also supports min/max postfix: “ < 32” or “ > 25”
This criteria is valid only for video channels.
WidthEvaluate video resolution width
“ > 320”

This criteria is valid only for video channels.
HeightEvaluate video resolution height
“ > 240”

This criteria is valid only for video channels.

Complex expectations

You can also use the boolean operators and or or to build more complex expectations.

An example of using it is when you want to check for a certain threshold only on some of the channels. Assume for example that you have any incoming channels, but some of them are muted so they have no data flowing on them. But you still want to test for frame rate. Here’s how you can now do that:

client.rtcSetTestExpectation(" == 0 or > 0");Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Code examples

General examples

Listed below are general examples of how you can use test expectations in your code:

  // The session was longer than 60 seconds
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("connectionDuration > 60")

  // We have both an incoming and an outgoing channel
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 1")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("audio.out >= 1")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 1")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("video.out >= 1")

  // We have no empty channels
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" == 0")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("audio.out.empty == 0")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" == 0")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("video.out.empty == 0")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 35")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" <= 45")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" <= 50", "warn")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation("audio.out.bitrate >= 35")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("audio.out.bitrate <= 45")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("audio.out.bitrate.max <= 50", "warn")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" > 35")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" > 35")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 45")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 45")

  // Packet Loss is less than 2%
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("  <= 2")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("audio.out.packetloss  <= 2")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation("  <= 2")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("  <= 2")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 6000")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 6000")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 600")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 600")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation("audio.out.roundtrip <= 100")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" <= 100")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("audio.out.roundtrip.max < 150", "warn")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 200")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 90")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 120", "warn")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" == 'OPUS'")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("audio.out.codec == 'OPUS'")

  // Adding video channel checks
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 200")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 500")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" <= 650", "warn")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 150", "warn")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation("video.out.bitrate >= 200")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("video.out.bitrate < 500")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("video.out.bitrate.max < 650", "warn")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("video.out.bitrate.min >= 100", "warn")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 200")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 200")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 500")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 500")

  // Packet Loss is less than 2%
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("  <= 2")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("video.out.packetloss  <= 2")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" <= 2")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" <= 2")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 7000")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 7000")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 700")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 700")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation("video.out.roundtrip <= 100")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 100")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("video.out.roundtrip.max < 120", "warn")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 100")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 100")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 120", "warn")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" == 'vp8'")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("video.out.codec == 'vp8'")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" <= 35")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("video.out.fps <= 35")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 25")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation("video.out.fps >= 25")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 10")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" >= 10")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation("callSetupTime < 50 ")

  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 50", "warn")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 50", "warn")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 50", "warn")
  .rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 50", "warn");Code language: PHP (php)

Error example

Below is an example of how an error will show in the report:

client.rtcSetTestExpectation(" < 2500");Code language: CSS (css)

Different expectations for different probes

The following example shows how expectations can be used based on scope. In this case, different expectations for different probes in the same test run:

if (agentType === 1)
  client.rtcSetTestExpectation(" > 0");
  // > 0
  // will be evaluated only for the code here
else // agentType is not 1
  client.rtcSetTestExpectation(" > 0");
  // > 0
  // will be evaluated only for the code here
}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

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David Pautler - February 1, 2019

My test result was “Agent 1: Failed test expectation [ == 1], Actual [0]”. I came to this page to find more explanation of this problem and what I can do about it.

FWIW, my guess is that signalling succeeded but that negotiation for media (encrypted) failed.

The test did succeed yesterday when there was no throttling.

    Tsahi Levent-Levi - February 1, 2019

    This does indicate that you were expecting a single incoming audio channel and got none.

    The issue might not be in the packet loss in this case. If you look at the webrtc-internals dump (download it), there’s nothing there. Just getusermedia and no peerconnections. It breaks before even trying.

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