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Wireless headset | You are probably using a wireless headset. This may lead to a bit more latency and at times to a loss in quality due to low battery use. Be sure to keep an eye on the battery levels of your headset. Read the full article to learn more.

Message:You are probably using a wireless headset. This may lead to a bit more latency and at times to a loss in quality due to low battery use. Be sure to keep an eye on the battery levels of your headset.

What is this about?

Wireless headsets are great. They free you from the need to be tethered with a cable to your device.

We noticed that you are using a wireless headset.

Potential risks

Wireless headsets have 3 disadvantages to them:

  1. The farther away you get from your device, the worse the connection is and the poorer the audio quality will be
  2. Most wireless headsets will add a bit of latency towards the call, degrading the quality when it comes to real time interaction with people in a meeting. This will be especially true if the network you are using exhibits high latency already (this will show up in the measurements in the round trip time metric value)
  3. Wireless headsets have internal batteries that require charging. On a low battery, performance will be degraded automatically by the headset itself

All in all, if you are looking to get hours of use a day from your headset in virtual meetings and calls, our suggestion is to opt for a wired headset instead.

Suggested actions to take

  • Switch to a wired headset if you can
  • Make sure the battery of your headset is charged properly
  • Don’t be with your headset too far from your device. Distance matters to quality with wireless headsets

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