How Talkdesk support solves customer network issues faster with testRTC

“The adoption of testRTC Network Testing at Talkdesk was really high and positive”

Earlier this month, I sat down with João Gaspar, Global Director, Customer Service at Talkdesk to understand more how they are using the new testRTC Network Testing product. This is the first time they’ve introduced a product that is designed for support teams, so this was an interesting conversation for me.

Talkdesk is the fastest growing cloud contact center solution today. They have over 1,800 customers across more than 50 countries. João oversees the global support team at Talkdesk with the responsibility to ensure clients are happy by offering proactive and transparent support.

All of Talkdesk customers make use of WebRTC as part of their call center capabilities. When call center agents open the Talkdesk application, they can receive incoming calls or dial outgoing calls directly from their browser, making use of WebRTC.

WebRTC challenges for cloud contact centers

The main challenge with cloud communication in contact centers is finding the reason for user complaints about call quality. Troubleshooting such scenarios to get to the root cause is very hard, and in almost all cases, Talkdesk has found out that it is not because of its communication infrastructure but rather due to issues between the customer’s agent and his firewall/proxy.

Issues vary from available bandwidth and quality in their internet connection, problems with their headphones, the machine they are using and a slew of other areas.

Talkdesk’s perspective and proactive focus to support means they’re engaging with clients not only when there are issues but through the entire cycle. For larger, enterprise deals,Talkdesk makes network assessments and provides recommendations to the client’s network team during the POC itself, not waiting for quality issues to crop later on in the process.

To that end, Talkdesk used a set of multiple tools, some of them running only on Internet Explorer and others testing network conditions but not necessarily focused on VoIP or Talkdesk’s communication infrastructure. It wasn’t a user friendly approach neither to Talkdesk’s support teams nor to the client’s agents and network team.

Talkdesk wanted a tool that provides quick analysis in a simple and accurate manner.

Adopting testRTC’s Network Testing product

Talkdesk decommissioned its existing analysis tools, preferring to use testRTC’s Network Testing product instead. WFor the client, with a click of a button, the clienthe is now able to  provides detailed analysis results to the Talkdesk support team within a minute. This enables faster response times and less frustration to Talkdesk and Talkdesk’s customer.

Today, all of the Talkdesk teams on the field, including support, networks and sales teams, make use of the testRTC Network Testing service. When a Talkdesk representative at a client location or remotely needs to understand the client’s network behavior, they send a link to a client, asking them to click the start button. testRTC Network Testing then conducts a set of network checks, immediately making the results to Talkdesk’s support.

testRTC’s backend dashboard for Talkdesk

The adoption of this product in Talkdesk was really high and positive. This is due to the simplicity and ease of use of it. For the teams on the field, this enables to easily engage with potential clients who haven’t signed a contract yet while investing very little resources.

The big win: turnaround time

testRTC’s Network Testing service doesn’t solve the client’s problems. There is no silver bullet there. Talkdesk support still needs to analyze the results, figure out the issues and work with the client on them.

testRTC’s Network Testing service enables Talkdesk to quickly understand if there are any blocking issues for clients and start engaging with clients sooner in the process. This dramatically reduces the turnaround time when issues are found, increasing transparency and keeping clients happier throughout the process.

Talkdesk Network Test service in action

On selecting testRTC

When Talkdesk searched for an alternative to their existing solution, they came to testRTC. They knew testRTC’s CEO through webinars and WebRTC related posts he published independently and via testRTC, and wanted to see if they can engage with testRTC on such a solution.

“testRTC’s Network Testing service reduces the turnaround time for us in understanding and addressing potential network issues with clients”

testRTC made a strategic decision to create a new service offering for WebRTC support teams, working closely with Talkdesk on defining the requirements and developing the service.

Throughout the engagement, Talkdesk found testRTC to be very responsive and pragmatic, making the adjustments required by Talkdesk during and after the initial design and development stages.

What brought confidence to Talkdesk is the stance that testRTC took in the engagement, making it clear that for testRTC this is a partnership and not a one-off service. For Talkdesk, this was one of the most important aspects.

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[…] This was developed with the help of Talkdesk, one of our first clients for this product. Check out the testimonial we did with Talkdesk using testRTC’s Network Testing. […]

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[…] am I mentioning it here? Because it see it happening. It is what got Talkdesk to pick testRTC for a network testing tool (I am a co-founder at testRTC). It is also an issue that causes a lot of challenges to customers […]

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[…] easily collect and analyze network statistics from their clients. The end result for Talkdesk? This greatly reduced their turnaround time on incidents. This product is now being trialed by a few other customers, which is […]

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