Automating Your WebRTC Product Testing (Recorded session)

I took part this week in Twilio’s Signal event in London.

As with the previous Signal event I attended, this one was excellent (but that’s for some other post).

Twilio were kind enough to invite me to talk at their event, which resulted in the recorded session below:

In the first part of this session, I tried explaining the challenges that WebRTC testing and automation brings with it. I ended up talking about these 5 challenges:

  1. WebRTC being a brand new technology (=always changing)
  2. Browser based (=you don’t control your whole tech stack)
  3. Resource intensive (=need to factor that in when allocating your testing machines)
  4. Network sensitive (=need to be able to test in different network conditions)
  5. It takes two to tango (=need to synchronize across browsers during a test)

The second part was going through some of the results we’ve collected in our recent Kurento experiment, where we tried to see how much can we scale a deployed Kurento media server in different scenarios.

After the session everyone asked me how was the session. Frankly – I don’t know. I wasn’t sitting and listening there. I was talking (enjoying myself while doing so). I hope the audience in the room found the session useful. You can check it out on your own and make your own judgement.

Oh – and if you need to test your WebRTC application then you know where to find us 🙂

–> And if you don’t, then here’s our contact page.

Suhaib Affan

It was amazing Tsahi great job.

    Tsahi Levent-Levi

    Thanks for the kind words Suhaib

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